The CelloCushion not only cushions the button of your cello so that your breastbone rests more softly, it is also a utensil holder for objects that you do not want to do without on stage or in the orchestra pit. We’re talking of pencils, erasers, handkerchiefs, lucky charms and perhaps your mobile phone if you want to check the score of the football match during the Meistersinger.
This Cushion is made from olive-black velvet showing a houndstooth-like pattern. The inside of the pouch is made of a light green crepe satin. The Cushion has a drawstring at the top through which a 3 mm thick elastic cord is pulled. This cord is supplied but is not yet knotted. When you attach the Cushion to your cello, please place it in position, run the elastic cord under the fingerboard and knot the two ends of the cord. Now pull the knots of the cord, which has been tied into an endless loop, into the tunnel of the drawstring so that it does not interfere anywhere. The length of the cord should be such that the cushion covers the button and no more than a third of the base of the neck. This leaves you enough room for your thumb to play well in the 4th position and the upper positions.